The Meaning of Life

"What is the meaning of life?"
    This is a question I ask myself over and over again, when I am struggling to get through the day, or when I am happy and wonder if I can ever relive that happiness.
    I carry this question in my pocket, always ready to pull it out and show it to people who I think will have an answer. Most shrug it off; they have better things to worry about. Some laugh kindly and tell me I'm "deep" or that I am "interesting," words that confuse me. Shouldn't they all have the same question in their pockets?
    This simple question has led me to various places--a hundred late-night conversations, a thousand books, a million answers. Nothing made sense; no answer satisfied me.
    Then, I finally accepted it. I didn't want to bring God into the equation because it felt like cheating. I wanted to find the meaning of life apart from God, but I couldn't find anything but fleeting pleasures and unconcerned faces. Nothing made sense; when I finally considered God, everything clicked.
    God is my answer. The God that created the world, that created me and you, and the God that sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. The God that blesses every one of my days with grace gives my life new breath. He is my meaning of life.


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