Monday, November 4, 2013

I Love Freshmen

I used to hate freshmen.
    They're easy to make fun of. They ask for tips on which parties to go to, how to establish good relationships with professors, and directions to a building they're 500 feet away from. Freshmen are so eager to please, willing to do anything that involves alcohol, and naive about how college works.
    Being an upperclassmen, I thought I was all past that. Gone are the days of staying up till 4 a.m. "studying" with friends but actually going on Facebook. Gone are the days of watching bad movies, ordering bad Chinese food, and puking in all the bathrooms on your floor because you don't know your tolerance. 
    I realize, though, that freshmen have this supernatural energy that allows them to do everything and at the same time, nothing. Sure, they join every club, but they also talk to their friends for five hours at night because they don't have homework. 
    Talking to freshmen now, a part of me pities the inevitable crash they'll experience, the realism that will set in. However, I realize that I'm not as grown up as I believe myself to be. A part of me still feels like a freshmen. I still want to stay up late with my friends under the stars, I want to watch bad movies without feeling guilty about wasting time. I want all that back.
    I may be (slightly) more responsible now but a small part of me still embodies all those qualities we think only freshmen have: naivety, idealism, and hope. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have those traits. Maybe growing older and wiser is overrated. 

Keep thinking,


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