Monday, September 30, 2013

Late Nights

My view from my chair
I like to stay up late, because at night everything becomes so quiet and solemn.
    Right now, I'm lacking in motivation to read for class tomorrow. It's one of those things that you know you should do, but you also know you'll do fine if you don't.
    It's hard to do work at night because I like to enjoy my nights. I like to listen to music (currently listening to Stwo's "Lovin U") and browse the Internet for interesting articles. I think I mostly enjoy being by myself. I love being with people, but I also enjoy my own company. I've never understood people that say they're bored alone, because I feel like you should be the most interesting person you know. A quote that stuck with me all throughout high school is from Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan when Mr. Dumby says, "I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly." Seriously, you are the only one who knows yourself best, so why not take the time to get to know yourself a little better?
    In a completely non-narcissistic way, I love being by myself because I've learned to love myself. Yes, I have my flaws and insecurities, but I accept that I am a human being. And I am confident in my abilities and where I am right now. 
    See, these thoughts can only come in the dark of night. When it's morning, I'll probably read this and think I'm crazy.
    Jekyll and Hyde? Maybe.

Sweet dreams,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Little Things

Sometimes, I get carsick.
    It always happens on the way to Bailey Middle School. Today, the girl I tutor in reading decided to throw a temper tantrum. She has never acted out before, but today I got the privilege of being called a liar, among other things. It was not fun. In fact, I was terrified. How am I going to teach to kids that have behavioral issues?
    Needless to say, I was feeling pretty down on the car ride back to Vandy, also because on Thursdays I start my day at 7:30 AM and end at 7 PM. Thursdays are the longest days. After class, it was 7 PM when we started heading back to campus. I rolled down the window, stuck my hand out, and instantly felt happier and more optimistic. The radio was blaring a cheesy Demi Lovato song, the wind was rushing through my fingertips, and I had a perfect view of Nashville's skyline (see the picture above for a blurry pic shot with my iPhone).
    Exhilaration. It's the small things that get you through the week, and it's the small things I appreciate most from life.

Sweet dreams,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reverse Culture Shock

It's 12:30 AM and half of my suitemates are asleep.
    Julianne and I decided to create blogs in preparation for studying abroad next semester. She's planning on going to Guatemala and I'm either going to London or Switzerland. Taylor's going to Spain; the three of us are all very excited, but we all enjoy living in a suite together.
    One of the biggest blessings this semester has been living with these five girls: Julianne, Taylor, Jodi, Kelsey, and Julia. I always look forward to going home after a long day of classes, volunteering, and work.
    I guess the hardest thing to get used to at Vanderbilt after Kenya is how busy my schedule is. I usually don't end everything I have to do until dinnertime, which means on some days, I only eat dinner.
    Of course, I miss the time I spent in Kakamega, Kenya. Those lazy mornings with bread and butter and two cups of chai make me wistful. Time passes slowly in Kenya. I learned to appreciate the present more fully, because most of the time I would be doing nothing. Here, time whizzes by. After one activity, I jump and run to the next. I don't have any time for reflection until the end of the day (another good reason for starting a blog).
    I miss Kenya, but I don't want to idealize it. I want to remember it honestly--the good and the bad. Most of all, I'm still learning how to incorporate what I've learned there, here. I'm trying to mash cultures together, and I don't know if it'll work, but I'm going to try.

Sweet dreams,