Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reverse Culture Shock

It's 12:30 AM and half of my suitemates are asleep.
    Julianne and I decided to create blogs in preparation for studying abroad next semester. She's planning on going to Guatemala and I'm either going to London or Switzerland. Taylor's going to Spain; the three of us are all very excited, but we all enjoy living in a suite together.
    One of the biggest blessings this semester has been living with these five girls: Julianne, Taylor, Jodi, Kelsey, and Julia. I always look forward to going home after a long day of classes, volunteering, and work.
    I guess the hardest thing to get used to at Vanderbilt after Kenya is how busy my schedule is. I usually don't end everything I have to do until dinnertime, which means on some days, I only eat dinner.
    Of course, I miss the time I spent in Kakamega, Kenya. Those lazy mornings with bread and butter and two cups of chai make me wistful. Time passes slowly in Kenya. I learned to appreciate the present more fully, because most of the time I would be doing nothing. Here, time whizzes by. After one activity, I jump and run to the next. I don't have any time for reflection until the end of the day (another good reason for starting a blog).
    I miss Kenya, but I don't want to idealize it. I want to remember it honestly--the good and the bad. Most of all, I'm still learning how to incorporate what I've learned there, here. I'm trying to mash cultures together, and I don't know if it'll work, but I'm going to try.

Sweet dreams,


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